Individuals are always advised to covertly mark property with an Ultra Violet Pen and overtly mark with a Permanent Ink Pen.
JNE has introduced to the UK, the first dual UV and Ink Marker Pen designed to do both jobs.
Individuals are always advised to covertly mark property with an Ultra Violet Pen and overtly mark with a Permanent Ink Pen.
JNE has introduced to the UK, the first dual UV and Ink Marker Pen designed to do both jobs.
One end of the Pen is a Permanent ink marker designed to make an indelible mark on a valuable item. The fact that it is permanent ink will make the item less attractive to steal and/or sell on.
The other end of the Pen is a Permanent UV Marker which is ideal for covert marking and has many key features
- No need to purchase Overseals to protect UV mark
- The UV pen offers a brighter UV mark
- Does not fade like a standard UV Pen
- Extended UV Lifespan with indelible marking