Ultra Destruct Stickers are designed to cover the UV Marks made by Ultra Violet Pens.
Due to the Ultra Destruct properties within the stickers anyone who tries to remove one will find it extremely difficult as it disintegrates into tiny pieces.
Ultra Destruct Stickers are designed to cover the UV Marks made by Ultra Violet Pens.
Due to the Ultra Destruct properties within the stickers anyone who tries to remove one will find it extremely difficult as it disintegrates into tiny pieces.
The Ultra Destruct Stickers have a warning message which says "Security Marked and Traceable" this warns a would be thief that the property is marked and would be easily traced to the rightful owner if found. This would also reduce the value of the stolen property.
The stickers also act as a long life preserver of any UV Marks made and would prevent someone using solvents/cleaning fluids to remove the Ultra Violet Marks.
As the Ultra Destruct Stickers are see through, the post coded UV Mark would still be visible under an Ultra Violet light.
Comes supplied as a set of 3 stickers